Admin here! So I am opening this blog for this overly cute ship called KaiHun/SeKai/HunKai/Kase… well, they have too many names. \(>___<)/ So yeah! Starting from now, feel free to ask. 8’D
Admin here! So I am opening this blog for this overly cute ship called KaiHun/SeKai/HunKai/Kase… well, they have too many names. \(>___<)/ So yeah! Starting from now, feel free to ask. 8’D
Jongin/Kai: We’d be Snow White and the Prince Charming, but sadly, Sehun is such a hard to get gull who kept denying that we’re them. He even pulled my hair. /ouch
Sehun: Just because I am milky white doesn’t mean I am Snow White! >_< You deserve it.
Well, some couple fights, I see. -admin.
suho laughing about how sehun didn’t introduce himself in thai so he tells him how to say it in thai
120728 KrisLu backstage at EXO Mini Live in Thailand…1
You know what they say, right?
It’s not fanservice in public that proves whether two people are close or not
its the little gestures and the things that they do backstage or away from the eyes of the public that matter.
Sehun asking Chen how to say ‘I love you’ in Thai and repeting it many times to don’t forget ♥