welcome-to-on-crack-exo-zoo: “i need you and you want me”...
welcome-to-on-crack-exo-zoo:“i need you and you want me” without pockets aka “thigh rubbing dance”
View ArticleHe doesn’t usually do this - in fact, almost never does - but...
He doesn’t usually do this - in fact, almost never does - but the nervousness on his boyfriend’s face and the anxiety in his limbs after the first couple of voice cracks makes Jongin reach out to...
View Articlechoisooyoung: You can do it Kyungsoo!! \(^o^)/
choisooyoung:You can do it Kyungsoo!! \(^o^)/
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jongin laughs when kyungsoo interacts with male fans (ㅂ ▽ ㅂ )ノ
View Article[GIF] Kai loves Baek's butt
[GIF] Kai loves Baek's butt : 9492room:http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/a111c20bgw1e50vuiw2h2g20c607jnpf.gifsource: http://www.weibo.com/520exo
View Articleluhan keeping his arm around xiumin (being super protective and...
luhan keeping his arm around xiumin (being super protective and all) at the airport~ (x | x)
View Articleai-love-sarang: kyungsoo’s reaction when his voice cracked...
ai-love-sarang:kyungsoo’s reaction when his voice cracked when he was singing a high noteBaekhyun will always be there to save his cracked notes ^^ aww these too puppies
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rosevic87:Ben Ben can always count on Chen! Chen! for a high five.
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baekhyu-n:when luhan gets excited over a ball
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baekhyu-n:one look was all luhan need to make a complete heart
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