luhanlu: @小鱼_LizYu0522 When Tao heard that EXO-M won the most...
luhanlu:@小鱼_LizYu0522 When Tao heard that EXO-M won the most popular group in China.
View Articledimplay: kai-took-off-his-shirt-and: Kai...
dimplay:kai-took-off-his-shirt-and:Kai;gifs/endless - N°296he’s like actually wearing no clothes i love itthe first gif looks like he’s being arrested
View ArticleZitao trying to pull out something from his pocket using his...
Zitao trying to pull out something from his pocket using his pink paws
View Articleedanzgarden: what’s happening when luhan catches tao in the...
edanzgarden:what’s happening when luhan catches tao in the groove ♥♥♥
View Articleluhan wanting to touch his yixing, but yixing doesn’t want~
luhan wanting to touch his yixing, but yixing doesn’t want~
View Articlemeiren-menglu: Why do girls always go to restroom together???...
meiren-menglu:Why do girls always go to restroom together??? oh wait……..
View Articlelil-duckling: too fab for usual choreography….Edison does what...
lil-duckling:too fab for usual choreography….Edison does what Edison wants
View ArticleWhen Luhan tells Yixing about Tao’s dancing, Yixing finds it...
When Luhan tells Yixing about Tao’s dancing, Yixing finds it cute & decides to copy. (。⌒∇⌒)。
View Article50shadesofsehun: kailories: kaism: ororo8: EXO playing...
50shadesofsehun:kailories:kaism:ororo8:EXO playing soccer and Kai scoring!Kyungsoo thoughluhan doesnt even care didnt u say u liked sportsit’s probably because he thinks they all can’t play so he won’t...
View Articletao was choking and luhan helped him by patting his back
tao was choking and luhan helped him by patting his back
View Article[GIF] #kaibaek T^T kai is so cuteee
[GIF] #kaibaek T^T kai is so cuteee : 9492room:source: Hiulingvia:fayenuna
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