sasami914: Hunhan during Gangnam clique~ -First...
sasami914:Hunhan during Gangnam clique~ -First gif-Luhan checks who’s making Sehun laugh like this.-Second gif-Luhan: Hey…Sehun: What?-Third gif-Luhan: Stop being like that with other guys, do you...
View Articlemeltedicecubes: 130101 - Minho first tosses Kyungsoo up, then...
meltedicecubes:130101 - Minho first tosses Kyungsoo up, then when Baekhyun asked(?), Jinki helped Minho toss Baek up too :D
View Articlebeautaefulseoul: baconbuffalosandlisps: chanyeorri: ourhappy...
beautaefulseoul:baconbuffalosandlisps:chanyeorri:ourhappyviruschanyeol:Jongin slippedi think the pants kept him in placei cant be the only one laughingyou’re not alone…
View Articleoshzt: dumb & dumber: putting hands on the oven to keep...
oshzt:dumb & dumber: putting hands on the oven to keep warm
View Articletaemin, minho and yunho encourage suho to sing taemin and the...
taemin, minho and yunho encourage suho to singtaemin and the tripleHo!
View ArticleChanyeol notices you, creepily smiles, then slowly...
Chanyeol notices you, creepily smiles, then slowly judges. (◕‿◕✿)
View Articletewddy: xiumin literally going O_O over something luhan was...
tewddy:xiumin literally going O_O over something luhan was telling him
View Article5 year old Luhan & Kai fought for the seats then ended up...
5 year old Luhan & Kai fought for the seats then ended up sitting together
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