GIF #1: D.O and Sehun flirting
GIF #2: Sehun can’t get enough of our Kyungsoo!!! LOL! :D
GIF #3: Kyungsoo was like O.O “what’s wrong with you Sehunnie?”
GIF #4: Kai was jelaous “I saw what you did there Sehun! >:|” cr: kyungsol.tumblr.com
GIF #1: D.O and Sehun flirting
GIF #2: Sehun can’t get enough of our Kyungsoo!!! LOL! :D
GIF #3: Kyungsoo was like O.O “what’s wrong with you Sehunnie?”
GIF #4: Kai was jelaous “I saw what you did there Sehun! >:|” cr: kyungsol.tumblr.com