favourite fanfics 4/?:
↳ underbelly; sehun/jongin; nc-17The end of this story will be found in the water, somewhere between their interlocked fingers and Jongin’s lips that taste like salt, or perhaps in the steady, thunderous beating of Sehun’s restless heart.
The end will be found there, but before there is an end, there is a beginning, and Sehun’s beginning is on the shore, ocean water crashing against the rocks at high tide as he surveys the lighthouse where his father is keeper.
The sky is grim, clouds a heavy gray and seas a navy blue, foaming white at its tips as the ocean water rolls in. There will be a storm, Sehun knows, but Sehun is no stranger to the sea, and there’s nothing to fear from a storm on the shore.
At least, that’s what Sehun used to think, before he learned better than to think safety was measured in how well his toes could grip at the sand.